1. We are immigrants in Poland. So, we have to rent a house and a workshop.

2. For legal residence and minimal work on the project (ordering lathe, laser processing, etc.), we need a constant income of at least $ 2000 / month for the team of 2 people.

3. In case of loss of official immigration status, we lose all tools, ready parts of devices and will be forced to start from scratch.

4. We cannot work inside our home country due to the political and economic situation.

5. If we won’t get enough income in the next month or two, we will be forced to put the project on hold and make money on freelance. Perhaps with a small probability we will be able to return to its development, but with a high probability the development of the project will be stopped.

6. We are extremely cautious about investments, as we already have had negative experience. Perhaps we will look for them however in the last turn. Therefore at the moment we will try to find grants. We will appreciate any help.

We need:

  • Social connections
  • Community activity(please tell your friends about our project)
  • Grants or at least information about the possibility of receiving them
  • Official immigration status in the economic zone of the USA or Europe. The ability of delivering the devices to a specific market depends on this.

Development is a long and costly process. Unfortunately we cannot give you a quick result as writers or artists, therefore we are forced to ask you for donations. All funds without exception will be invested in this project:

You may donate any amount to paypal:

You may become a patron:

Become a Patron!